Content Marketing is a “C” of Change
It’s a noisy world and there’s so much content to consume online. To really stand out B2B marketers need to focus on what audiences want. Companies that want to have conversations with end-users must embrace the concept of context and relevance as a guiding mission that governs all their interactions. The paradigm shift from persuasion to experience means that there’s a sea of change within marketing initiatives and buying patterns in the industrial sector, forcing companies to find new ways to reach and interact with their audience.
A web site should keep the customers it attracts. Sites must be designed to be easily navigated so that customers can quickly find the information they are looking for. In addition, a web site must offer something that entices the customer to return. Customers tend to look for information as a priority and may look around at other sites, most likely returning to the one they intuitively trust the most or that is most likely to solve their problem. A site that contains a large amount of information that is not readily available elsewhere directly related to the product or services being sold will be far more successful than a site that only offers product or services.
The amount of initial traffic, links into your site, return visits and referrals is directly proportional to the amount of unique and useful content available at the site that is beneficial to your visitors.
- How can you stop someone from needing to continue searching and act immediately in your favor?
- What unique content can you put on the site?
- Can you partner with a content provider for updated content? There are companies that lease content.
- Can you write articles on subjects related to your visitor’s interests?
- Can you offer to publish other people’s works in exchange for exposure?
- Can you provide online assembly instructions, how-to guides, tips and tricks information pages, etc?
Relevant accessible content is one of the most important aspects of creating a successful site when coupled with a quality design, competitive products and services and outstanding customer service.